The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
Xythe's Articles In Blogging
September 18, 2006 by Xythe
Ive been using the free Feed Demon for a while now. How does Stardocks BlogNavigator compare? I own a bit of Stardock software, and I dont mind spending the $20 if its better than what I use. I dont download trials.
October 7, 2006 by Xythe
I'm sorry Admins, but I'm very confused as to many of the features of the JU interface. 1) Why do I not have the permissions to edit my own blog entries?   2) Why do I not have the permissions to add a blog group? I guess what I am asking, is what permissions to I need to achieve these things, and what do I need to do to aquire the permissions to do these things?
October 9, 2006 by Xythe
I saw that Mason had posted a screen shot of his desktop. While not quite as sexy, it has a certain seduction to it...Don't you think? None of the artwork you see in this screenshot belongs to me; I'm far less talented. Here are the names of the good folks that helped me put this little gem together: Wall: My Very Own Vista; troyce35 WindowBlind: Stealth OS; Mike Brant ObjectDock: Eminence; .Zer0. Weather Widget: Haylo-2x Weather; adni18 Meter Widgets: Blister Pack-DX; rabidrobo...
October 10, 2006 by Xythe
Okay. I'm a man and I'm Italian/American, thus I think Italians are the greatest. I realize however that not everybody has the ego of a middle-aged Italian, and while I know Italians are the coolest, some may think otherwise. So, lets see how cool Italians really are. I'll start a list of the pros and cons of Italian culture found worldwide. Which list will be bigger? Pros: Pavaratti, Ferrari, Baretta, Emeril Lugassi, DaVinci Cons: The Italian mail system, The Vatican Bank
October 26, 2006 by Xythe
Growing up in a middle-class neighborhood in New England, I was pretty much sheltered from non-white people. In fact, the only Black, Asian, or Indians I ever really knew is what I saw on the television, or saw driving through the city – until one day. My parents always watched the news, and we kids had to suffer through it for a half a hour before we could watch our programming. I remember hearing about racial desegregation, but as a young boy, I had no clue as to what any of it meant. ...
October 30, 2006 by Xythe
There have been a lot of talk concerning points and the ambiguity of the JU scoring system of late. For any of you concerned, Zoomba kindly answered some questions for me, and you can see that dialog by clicking here> Link What I would like to know, is how is JU rated against other blogging sites around the globe? Maybe for those of us that have a competitive edge, instead of pitting ourselves against one another for JU site stats, we could concentrate on building JU ratings as a team...
October 31, 2006 by Xythe
Theres been some talk concerning points a bit in the last week or so. Have a look around and you can see the various posts. I got to thinking about it, and decided that this was worth a new post. Draginol's access class of 9 really gives him a significant edge. In a couple of the scoring schemes, one's access class is squared and/or multiplied against. Interesting=Your access class squared. Insightful = 2 X Your access class squared For example: Draginol posts an article, an...
November 7, 2006 by Xythe
As some of you recall, I mentioned Walmart advertised A Compaq Presario notebook for $398 Link Well, I made it to one of my local Walmarts around 9:45pm, where I was 3rd in line to recieve one of the 20 laptops available. Like any geek, I had to hold off from speeding home to play with my new toy Anyways, unpacked it from the box, popped in the battery, and powered up. It took a couple of hours to set up, and another hour of basic standard tweaking, and I was in business. So...
November 12, 2006 by Xythe
This is my first attempt at doing anything like this, so please don't be to harsh on me with your criticism Theme: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein ........................................................................................................
November 15, 2006 by Xythe
Well, in 9 short hours I get the opportunity to play lawyer again. Honestly, I really appreciate some of the more informal courts we have in America because the protocol is not so rigid, and any layman such as myself gets the opportunity to represent ourselves. Later on this morning, I will make my appearance in front of the California Unemployment Appeals Board in the case of: Lou Ron vs New World Industrial Coatings In the past one and a half weeks or so I have studied the pe...
November 20, 2006 by Xythe
I've seen many data charts and reports of this and that regarding global warming. The rise in sea level, the melting otf the polar ice caps, and biomes moving from here to there. Who really cares? The planet will survive, even if the financial structure of the world is forced to reconstruct. One thing I do know, if this picture depicts global warming, turn up the heat baby!
November 16, 2006 by Xythe
More than one person has coined me as a misogynist on various posts throughout the joeuser community. Ironically, all of these people are women. I am not certain whether or not these people are qualified to characterize me as such, but somehow they have gathered opinions from my various posts that often concern the relationships between men and women in society. While I can accept their opinions that I may act like a misogynist, I do hold resentment as being labeled as one by a layman. ...
November 22, 2006 by Xythe
It's been a while since I've written anything all that much meaningfulto anybody except myself, so yesterday I set out looking at images totry and spark whatever little creativity in this respect I possess. So surfing I went, and came up with this image of a cowboy on a horse,standing in the middle of  nowhere looking off into thedistance;off the Wikipedia website. The image of this man in this plainenvironment made me wonder how simple life really was back in the daysof America's infanc...
November 27, 2006 by Xythe
I found this pretty funny, and decided to share with you guys. I recieved this in my email from a friend of mine, Ken Carr, aninspiring young actor from Sacramento, whom had taken these snapshotswith his phone, while visiting Sonoma Outfitters in Reno, NV.
November 28, 2006 by Xythe
In January of 2000, I finally did it. I was living on the Peninsula and drove to Santa Rosa to pick up my payroll. I stopped off at a bar in Novato on the way home, as was customary at the end of most work days. Of course I over-did it; pretty much like I did everyday back then. So about 2 hours and $50 in drinks later, I headed off to SanRafael where I had lived for many years prior, to get some weed from a friend of mine. I cruised down the 101 freeway, and took the Anderson exit. I stop...