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The Mouth of Xythe
The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
What Is The Big Deal With The PS3 Or PlayStation 3
Published on November 26, 2006 By
I never really played much in the way of console games, except a few that were ripped for the PC, so I guess I have a few questions for console gamers. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up running out and buying a PS3 or a Wii. Think of me as the sexiest lesbian in the world, and you are trying to convert me
What is it that drives all these people crazy to spend a minimum of $400 on a PS3?
What other things can a Play Syation 3 do besides play games? Is it like a media center as well?
I can build a pretty tight gaming machine, that does everything from play games to fix the kitchen sink, for around $1000; even less if I buy used componants. Why would I want a PS3 when for just a few bucks more I can do so very much more than play games.
Help me out here guys. Am I wasing my money upgrading my PC every 2-3 years to keep up with modern games?
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on Nov 27, 2006
The advantages that consoles have over PCs is:
- You only have to upgrade once every 4-5 years, and when you do it is cheaper
- Bugs are very, very rare
- No installation for games
- Can get multiple players on the same screen, which has pretty much died out for PC games
- Games are designed around the controller, which makes them much easier to get started with, and intuitive to play
The PS3 is also a media centre, it takes DVDs or Blue Ray Discs, so you don't need a DVD player. The usefulness of this will of course depend on whether Blue Ray becomes succesful or not, since the PS3 is actually cheaper than most Blue Ray Disc players even before you consider that it also plays games. Even if it doesn't take off as a video format, it will mean that the maximum size of games will be massive, without needing to switch CDs/DVDs. I think the PS3 also has internet browsing capabilities, though if that's what you're after then you're probably still better off with the PC with your keyboard/mouse.
Personally my choice is to have a PC for strategy games and the internet, and a console of some description for pretty much anything else.
on Nov 27, 2006
As I see it the radically new CPU design of the PS3 will allow it to produce some very spectacular effects (i.e. games) further on (as Gears of War is the killer-game from X360, a year later).
I'm also short a DVD-player (using my PC over wireless video/audio link) so that's MY second argument.
Then again, I'm not really planning on buying a PS3 for a few months ...
on Nov 27, 2006
I enjoy a good console, and since I never really upgrade my computer as much as I should....it tends to lag behind the times.
For me, it's pure enjoyment...another form rather than pecking away at this keyboard all the time in addition to the points raised above.
Consoles are fun...unfortunately we have to sell some internal organs to buy the ones coming out now....I believe the Wii is the least expensive at $250 while the PS3 is $600 and the Xbox 360 is $400. At least, I think those prices are right....I haven't been paying attention lately, too much school on my mind. I might pick up the Wii soon....I find the motion sensor gameplay to be really intriguing...and it's the cheapest.
on Nov 27, 2006
I haven't been paying attention lately, too much school on my mind. I might pick up the Wii soon....I find the motion sensor gameplay to be really intriguing...and it's the cheapest.
I've been looking into this as well Zoo, it looks pretty "tight"
Does anybody have a Wii, and how cool is the sensor gameplay technology?
on Nov 27, 2006
I got a wii and i must say its addictive. I got zelda dn the wii sports that comes with it and i must say the sprts is fun with 2 people. In Zelda its different still trying to get used to it since holidays only played for a few hours. But with swinging your arm like a you have a sword to slice and dice it gets tiring after an hoour or 2 but makes the game really enjoyable like your really part of it. The Sports with friends and family even my parents play it though they hat games. I usually play bowling but the others are fun like boxing where you have to act like your punching so the sensor does the swing you do like an upper cut or a jab.
on Nov 27, 2006
There is no point in buying a PS3. Blueray will flop, so there is no sense in buying it for the Blueray player. And otherwise, it is essentially a PC. I mean, at 600 dollars, i could build a PC more powerful... possibly even buy one from, like, Dell. In fact, the controllers are USB and can be used on a computer. And there is very little in the way of games that are ONLY offered on playstation platforms. Besides, there are many reports of them crashing, freezing, overheating. Did I mention the rule of the third console? Every companie's third console has failed. Nintendo, Supernintendo
Virtual Boy
. Sega, Sega Genesis
Sega CD
. Atari, second gen Atari,
. Need I say more?
On a side note, I own a Wii, and it is absolutely amazing. The graphics are acceptable. And by acceptable I mean, yeah, they do get smashed by the X-box when developers have time to use the graphics cards to their full potential, but they are by no means poor quality at all. I thought the motion sensor would be laggy... on the contrary, they are extremely sensitive! I actually have to be a minimum of 10 to 15 feet away to use them properly! Plus, this added new dimension to the developer's arsenal ought to spark some pretty amazing ideas, and they already have with the two games i own (Zelda and Wii Sports).
on Nov 27, 2006
I agree 100% with novakane on this matter.
PS3 is a flop, get a Xbox 360 its much cheaper. All the "exclusives" from PS3 are migrating to X360, possibly cuz of Development costs are so high this days that the Devs need to get back their money by making their games "multi-platform"
I got 2 links here for the review of Calld of Duty 3 for Ps3 and the other for Call of Duty 3 on X360.
Gamespot said that the PS3 has crappy framerates compared to the 360, even on empty rooms with no1 inside. Doesnt make sense for a $200 more expensive system now does it??
Here the links:
(NOTE: Click on the VIDEO REVIEW)
PS3 Review
PS3 Review">Link
Xbox 360 Review
"Xbox 360 Review"
Most of the Wii or Revolution games wich I prefer to call it, sounds less childish anyways, have bad reviews, with most being less than 7 out of 10, some are 5 out of 10, and the graphics looks worse than a PS2 from last generation.
And if I wanted to do excersive while playin, I'd go to a gym...
So MY opinion is, consoles suck ass, PC beat the crap out of them, especially with that new GF8800 architecture, Im gettin a new 8800GTS and that card pwnz all supposably "NEXT GEN" consoles.
Also, consoles dont have DIRECT X 10, so they are certainly NOT next gen , they were current gen a 2 weeks ago, but after a week from release, new PC hardware was released and they should be called PREVIOUS GEN now cuz thats what they are...
on Nov 27, 2006
for the record monclov the wii reviews depend on who you go to... gamespy LOVES the system with no game having gotten less than a 4 out of 5 stars, that rating means buy it if you like the genre because it is a good game, buy it if you are even mildly interested in the genre, because its a fun game... 3 stars is a genre fan only, and 5 stars is you had better buy it and play it because its a classic and you will miss out if you don't!!! (Zelda got 5 out of 5)
though they also agree about the PS3, they keep griping that most of the games are rehashed 360 releases that feel old and stale
on Nov 27, 2006
Well from a perspective of playing on the different consoles... the Wii is definitely the most fun (not the mention the cheapest).
on Nov 27, 2006
Im sorry but gamespy is a JOKE!!
And thats seriously.
Also a rating going up to 10 is MUCH MORE specific than a 1-5 , tells me more information, and if u went to the reviews link I put up there, wich was about PS3 vs X360, (cuz to me the wii sucks so much that its out of the race of next gen systems alrdy) you can see wut the OP wants, wich is the cheaper X360 wins out.
Also I wouldve loved to own a PS3, maybe in a year but not now, its crazy expensive, thats why I mentioned the 8800GTS, u can get it for $500 and thats with shipping and tax, I use computer games a lot so its much more important to me than a freakyfreaky usless BluRay.
A year down the line perhaps its worth the money, but save urself the 200 Bucks and get the X360 if u want to play NOW.
And I dont get it about the PS3 NOT having rumble, Sony says crap like "Oh its reactive technology and old generation , now u have Active tech and can move the character onsreen". Well u know what I think?? I think there talking crap cuz if they wouldve paid Immersion wich is the company that made the rumble tech, we would have BOTH on the controller right now, I mean If the sucky Wii, rehmm, REVOLUTION =] can do it then Im sure Sony could. But thats sony to u , a lying corporation trying to leach money outta ur pocket.
Enough of this
on Nov 27, 2006
Here are my opinions
+Is a blueray player which happens to be cheaper than a blueray player
+Unique architecture
+Um.... I guess the motion sensing controllers
+Is cheaper than buying a PC of the same quality, don't tell me that they're losing $300 on hardware per console needlessly because I know you're lying
+backwards compatibility
+Uses a browser to surf the net, Opera as I recall
-backwards compatibility problems that were never supposed to exist
-Costs far more than any other console
-Only 1 good exclusive game
-Hardware problems
-Sony's online system sucks
+online system rules
+has a respectable library which will only get better with the release of Bioshock and Mass Effect
+Mid range cost
+Is a bit cheaper than a PC of the same quality
+hardware problems are becoming a thing of the past though they did occur a fair bit in the first generation of 360's
+Connect your 360 to your PC and stream music and videos, even more options with windows media center - which means that you get all the songs on your pc pumping through your sound system which is usually better than your sound system for your pc and located in the area you usually entertain guests - your living room
-Again it does cost a bit
-Not so many asian RPG's if that's your thing, but they do actually have a few from big name developers coming out next year
Consoles in General
+No technical knowledge needed, plug and play at its easiest
+no worries about not having a powerful enough machine
+The gaming industry is moving to consoles, as it is I believe computer gaming could almost be called a niche market when compared to the console market
+Uses your TV which is usually bigger than your monitor
+split screen multiplayer
+cheaper than a PC, spend $500 on a console or spend $2000 on a top of the line computer to be able to play many PC games on max quality
+grapbics are very comparable to max quality PC games - see Gears of War and Bioshock for proof
+Acts a a media center, plays DvD's, music, etc.
+Generally more people online
-Requires payment in one large wad where as a PC can be gradually upgraded
-Can't upgrade.... for the most part
-Not as many options for tinkering for the technically minded people as with PC's
-Can't be used for work and other purposes
-Not many if any RTS, 4X games though Halo Wars may- definately say may- result in a renewed intereast in developers for RTS games on consoles
-Games tend to be more mainstream, though things like the xbox live marketplace and the Wii may change that
-Not as many MMO's, though Age of Connan and a few others are scheduled for release on consoles
-Does not have direct X10 though the 360 will have a version of Direct X9 which is very similar and getting even more so all the time
What did I miss?
on Nov 27, 2006
Most of the Wii or Revolution games wich I prefer to call it, sounds less childish anyways, have bad reviews, with most being less than 7 out of 10, some are 5 out of 10, and the graphics looks worse than a PS2 from last generation.
And if I wanted to do excersive while playin, I'd go to a gym...
Spoken by a man who misses the entire point of the Wii.
First of all, the codename was Revolution... same reason Windows vista is not called Longhorn. And the name of the console is great. It's an eye opener to invite a chick over to your house to play with your wiines (wii nintendo entertainment system). Not to mention Revolution-mote sounds way lamer than Wiimote. Besides, revolution sounds like a nerdy thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm a nerd and I would have loved that name, but that doesn't work with Nintendo's marketing target. They are trying to A) get gamers involved who traditionally wouldn't buy consoles and
not compete with the X-box or PS3 since it is the only true "next-gen" console. And by next gen, I mean a console that offers something... revolutionary (hence the CODE name).
The graphics aren't
to be great. Otherwise the cost of the unit would be right up there with your 500 dollar graphics cards and other "next-gen" consoles. You can have great gameplay that makes games worth buying without having absolutely gorgeous graphics. In fact, the better the graphics, usually the less time spend on developing wonderful gameplay.
The motion sensor pwns. If you really think you have to swing about and "exercise while you play", you obviously have not touched a wiimote yet. I can, and do, play the games lying down. PC gamers usually play PC games (especially in the FPS genre) because of the incredible accuracy and speed of a mouse /keyboard system. But aren't the light gun games in the arcade much more accurate? Yeah, well that's about the accuracy you get with the wiimote... and when i say about i mean more, since the optional (though mandatory for good games) nunchuck is also motion sensitive, with a joystick. So you can move, point, adjust the joystick, pull the trigger, and if necessary for a fourth dimension of movement, use the D-pad on the wiimote, all simultaneously without any strain or change of intuition whatsoever. With SURPRISING accuracy I might add. If you improve the basic interface to any game, i.e. controls, you improve all games across the board, period.
And yes, the launch titles are fairly lacking. However, Zelda alone justifies a 300 dollar purchase. Any game after that is just an added bonus. Plus, you get a whole bunch of games that Nintendo will make you won't be able to get anywhere else until they crack out an emulator and add motion sensitive controls to a PC... good luck, I'll see you in 20 years.
Does that mean I'm going to stop buying/playing PC games? HELLZ NO! I'm only going to play Wii in addition to that. If i were a PS3 or X-box dork then maybe the story would be different...
on Nov 27, 2006
thank you n0v for explaining the merits of the Wii
now, for the comment about gamespy being a joke... each website is entitled to their own opinion, but when it comes to the average person having fun with a game, theirs is the opinion i trust, and that is what the Wii is all about, having fun
on Nov 27, 2006
My personal opinion is that the "wii" is for children, if u have a son or daughter then get it for them, but im not touching that thing. Every1 is entitled to their own opinion and I alrdy gave mine, and I DO understand what the "wii" is all about, its trying to get all those "non-players" + fans to play but thats not my cup of tea.
Just wanted to clear out that I knew about the revolution codename for years and I like it far better than that "come and play wiith me, wii will have so much fun" kinda childish marketing.
What do you expexct from a company that has Reggie on top of the American nintendo market LMFAO
Go play ur 5 out of 10 "Red Steel"
Ill buy the wii 2 if it ever comes out, cuz I love that kind of movement thing just not like whats in this wii generation. Maybe some years into the future we will get that NINTENDO FAKE console ON be made a reality, that would pwnzors!!
on Nov 27, 2006
HMMMMMMMMMMMM very FAST sensors UH??????/
Ohh wait , guess not......
Look at this VIDEO REVIEW and when the review gets to 3:15 the guy reviewing says the control sqeme "your movements lags behind the onscreen movements of the wii-mote"
NOTE: Click on the VIDEO REVIEW to see video:
And why is it named "RED STEEL" anyways if theres no blood when using the sword or katana or w/e other sword are in the game??, kinda strange aint it?
And look at the NEWS:
WSJ: First cases of "Wii Elbow" reported
Aerobic activity with motion-sensing controller causing aches, pains; Nintendo urges exercise to counteract.
"Wii Elbow" reported
^^ Sarcasm
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