September 20, 2006 by
My mother lives in MN, and I in CA. I normally talk to her about every 10 days or so on the phone. Anyway, she works in one of those health food co-ops, and she mentioned a conversation she was having with a 22 y/o coworker. My mother asked this young lady if she knew what the gestapo was. The furthest thing from my moms mind was this girls reply, " isn't it a restaraunt in San Francisco someplace." Well I couldnt believe my ears and had a chuckle. Then I started thinking. How could this g...
Ok. I see that my Access Class is one, should it be 2? What is it supposed to be? a registered user 2 I have registered: ObjectDesktop WinCustomize Browser BlogNavigatorPro Various paid desktops and icon packs...etc Where should I have asked this question?
October 25, 2006 by
I'm sorry to post this here, but if somebody could please tell me where the support area is, I'd be very grateful.Please note that I somehow have lost the option to add/delete/modify the custome links on my blog.Is this a permission thing? Or an anomaly?Also, I could use some help with the JU standard protocol when blogging.
October 27, 2006 by
What exactally does the "Blacklist this user" do? I know it blocks the selected user from commenting on one blog, but is that all? Also, if anybody knows, what drives the statistics visible when i click on "MyBlog"? How does this work?