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The Mouth of Xythe
The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
The Perfect Remote Control For All those Special Needs
Published on December 23, 2006 By
Okay guys. I've finally come up with the most excellent remote control. Point and click, kick back, and receive. No griping, no flack.
By the way, if you are familiar with the Neil Young tune: Sample and Hold, you should know that this RC was specifically designed to work with this outfits "units".
You don't want to miss out on this!
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Want Your Penis To Look Bigger? The Wonder Jock Is For You!
Gideon MacLeish
on Dec 23, 2006
The "PMS off" button is one I think most men would give a few years' salary to have (hell, I'd betcha most WOMEN would pay a few years' salary for it as well!)
on Dec 23, 2006
I liked the massage button Gideon. I work with my body and man, a good massage really just does the trick at the end of the day.
It's tough to find a woman who is both strong enough as well as skilled enough to administer a good deep-tissue massage.
on Dec 26, 2006
Oh you naughty man!
! I'm dreaming of the ultimate Remote for us women now!
! hmmm....
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