The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
From the Revver website:

Verizon, a day after announcing YouTube as being a part of their future video service on the Verizon cellular network, has now cut a deal with Revver,com. You will be able to select Revver from the entertainment area on Vcast sometime in early December.

" shows ads at the end of each video clip, but that won't be the case on V Cast. Instead, Revver said, uploaders whose videos are played will share in the licensing arrangement with Verizon."

I don't know about other folks, or maybe I'm just an old fuddy-duddy, but I never thought to watch videos or listen to music on my cell phone. Am I crazy, but is a phone a device in which we talk on? Is the phone somehow being redefined, I guess so.

Well all you parents out there, shelling out somewhere in the realm of $15 for each of your children to use this service have something to think about. Is it not bad enough they need to listen to vulgar and explicit music on their phones, but now to worry about the content they will be viewing as well.

No wonder a good portion todays youth is so messed up.

Well, if I can help it, there won't be any music or video on my daughters phone, only the classic "talk" features.

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