The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
Retaliation from H20 Squirting.
Published on November 19, 2006 By Xythe In Humor
Ok guys, get a load of this.

What do you do whan your buddy squirts you with a water bottle?\

If you guessed, throw a pair of sissors at him, well thats what some folks do.

Check it out. This is pretty funny....sort of


on Nov 19, 2006
How to you respond to that? I think I'd be looking for a new roommate.
on Nov 19, 2006
No sh!T!! I thought it was pretty funny how they all stood there afterwards.

I'd be vary suprised if the sissor thrower did not get charged with some assault after the victim went for treatment.

on Nov 19, 2006
Holy crap...maybe he should have used those preschool scissors with the rounded ends. That had to hurt like hell...

on Nov 19, 2006
Holy crap...maybe he should have used those preschool scissors with the rounded ends. That had to hurt like hell...

Absolutely Zoo.

I found it amazing the darn things stuck the guy. It'd never happen if he was trying for real.
on Nov 20, 2006
I cant believe he wasnt screaming in pain..I mean for them to be stuck in that deep like that lol...Wow...And besides..who thinks " He poured water at me, lets lob scissors at him " was a stupid instinct lol..
on Nov 20, 2006
I cant believe he wasnt screaming in pain..

Many things of this nature do not hurt.

1) Either the object is so sharp, and thrown with enough force, no pain is infolved,


2) The person goes into shock.

that was a stupid instinct lol

Hes a real survivor !