The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
Pee on them if they cant take a joke.
Published on October 20, 2006 By Xythe In Current Events
Neuhold Gerhard opperates a restroom in his Austrian business that houses urinals shaped like sexy womens mouths (Could be a guy's I guess).

However, due to pressure applied by the Vienna Department of Women's Affairs, he has elected to move them.

It seems some women did not like these urinals, and took a hostile stance against Gerhard forcing him to remove these peices of art from his posh lavatory.

"We think that it's tasteless, misogynistic and offensive," Marianne Lackner, media spokeswoman for the Vienna Department of Women's Affairs told The Associated Press.

Monika Vana, the Green Party's spokeswoman for women's affairs, also denounced the toilets, telling the Austria Press Agency that they are "sexist and inappropriate."

I dont know about you, but these urinals seem to look a lot like the Rolling Stones album logo? I wonder if these women would want to have a chat with Mick Jagger. Doubtful.

Hey, do women use urinals? Do they have urinals in womens bathrooms, or just in mens?

I bet men using sexy urinals like this are more apt to wipe off her lips (UUhhhh...I mean rim) before they zip up! Don't most women like nice clean toilet rims? just cant win with some people

The full article can be read by clicking on the link below:

on Oct 20, 2006
Fantastic--always wanted a girlfriend like that!
on Oct 20, 2006
eww it looks so dirty. (as in grime) the red lips are peeling off from the acids ewww!

It looks like it is inside th epub alongside the bar? I can't quite figure the picture out - the placement of the urinal.
on Oct 20, 2006
Fantastic--always wanted a girlfriend like that!

on Oct 20, 2006
Double Post. But I still like the urinals. They have panache'.
on Oct 20, 2006
Fantastic--always wanted a girlfriend like that!

I have a few I could rent you

But I still like the urinals. They have panache'.

I thought they were pretty cool as well Doc.
on Oct 21, 2006
As a woman, I have no problem with the idea of this urinal. From a man's perspective, I can see the "allure" of this urinal..being that it is a willing, open "lush" woman's mouth ; )

But at the same are peeing into it...So now I ask..does the thought of peeing into a woman's open mouth a part of the appeal???....Just curiuos !!! lol...

Fantastic--always wanted a girlfriend like that!I have a few I could rent you

Im sure you do.. lol

on Oct 21, 2006
If this is the most important "cause" these women could come up with, they either live in a near perfect society or simply have way too much time on their hands.
on Oct 22, 2006
My question, Is why do women even care whats in a mens room? I wonder if how they even saw it? How can something you cant see, be offending?
on Oct 22, 2006
red lips are peeling off from the acids ewww!

Looks like those lips need some pearl drops !
on Oct 23, 2006
I think they simply have nothing better to do. The last thing when I got to the bathroom that I am wondering about, is what is in the men's side. I could care less. Now considering the location, it may have been a uni bathroom ( where men and women can use it )l..but even then..who cares.......
on Oct 23, 2006
Now considering the location, it may have been a uni bathroom ( where men and women can use it )l..but even then..who cares.......

Do they have these where the women walk past guys urinating in urinals to get to the toilets?
on Oct 25, 2006
Oh goodness..Im trying to remember. I went to Austria but that was, 8 yrs ago ( omg time flys by). Anyways. I only went into one. And the only reason I went in was because it was empty at the time. Im pretty sure that everything was combined ( urinals near the stalls ) .But dont quote me on that....None thet less. If you are going to go into a "uni bathroom", then dont be surprised if you were to see men urninating at urinals....that would be something I would expect in one of those....