Freedom of Religion or no?
According to the Star Tribune, a St. Paul, MN bus driver was granted permission to NOT drive busses advertising a gay-themed ad published by Lavender.
Transit authorities deemed the decision as a reasonable accomodation of the drivers religious beliefes.
As the world grows more and more complex daily, more and more people seem to be bringing religion into their lives. How is this going to affect peoples rights?
Are we going to be able to use religion in ajudicating matters of the law? It seems in this instance, that is exactally what has taken place.
I do not agree with homosexuality, and I do consider it an abomination of life, as IMHO, homosexuality is in fact contradictory to life itself. However, I also believe in freedom, and an individual to choose.
It seems however, that minority groups such as homosexuals are trying to shove their lifestyles down my throat. Why?
My question is what will happen when legal matters are adjudicated with referrence to religion? Why do homosexuals try to ram their lifestyles down my throat?