The babble of a middle-aged lunatic.
It appears as THC, the active ingredient in maijuana has shown to potentially prevent the progression of Alzheimers disease by preventing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from detiriorating.

Research also shows that marijuana may help prevent dimentia.

I came across this article on CNN. Makes me happy I give my Doctor $135/year to reup my recommendation to smoke marijuana. I may suffer a little short term memory loss, but this study indicates in my memory may last longer as I age in the long run.

Please see the full article here>

on Oct 06, 2006

So does it stave off Alzheimer's or just make you not remember you have it? ;~D

I guess we'll know for sure, if all them aging hippies fare better than their less cool counterparts.



on Oct 06, 2006
So does it stave off Alzheimer's or just make you not remember you have it? ;~D

*puff puff*...I'll let you know in 20 years....*exhale*

I guess we'll know for sure, if all them aging hippies fare better than their less cool counterparts.

on Oct 06, 2006
duuuuude... I'm wondering if ending up like Jeff Spicoli is much better, lol...
on Oct 06, 2006

I'm wondering if ending up like Jeff Spicoli is much better, lol...

Or Cheech and Chong - Wow man!

on Oct 06, 2006
duuuuude... I'm wondering if ending up like Jeff Spicoli is much better, lol...

Or Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure:

Most excellent duuuuude!
on Oct 06, 2006
In the matter at hand it was very small doses that were found to be effective, not nearly enough to turn you into Jeff Spicoli or even give you a buzzzzz.

on Oct 06, 2006
In the matter at hand it was very small doses that were found to be effective, not nearly enough to turn you into Jeff Spicoli or even give you a buzzzzz.

Ahhhh...but we want to be sure we dont wind up with alzheimers.....
on Oct 06, 2006
Or Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure:

Yeah, where is my most excellent buddy Bill? Wylde Stallyons can't do without him foever! ;~D
on Oct 06, 2006
*puff* *puff*...What's Alzheimer's again? *exhale*

on Oct 06, 2006
*puff* *puff*...What's Alzheimer's again? *exhale*

*puff puff*..I cant remember mmaannnn.

Wow mannn. Is that bird up there taking pictures of us? Most exellent dduuude.
on Oct 06, 2006
Too bad it can't improve spelling.
on Oct 08, 2006
Too bad it can't improve spelling.

Wheres the spelling bee?
on Oct 08, 2006
Marijuana is used to relieve glaucoma and can help reduce side effects from cancer and AIDS treatment.

It is a wonder drug isn't it? Some people over here swear by it.
on Oct 08, 2006
The Government is all bent out of shape about marijuana. They’re convinced the anti-government movement in the 60’s was a result of pot smoking, not the Vietnam War.

The hemp plant could also replace trees as the source for all paper goods.

To bad it’s evil :~)