Bad women have bad children?
It seems as though at least one person is getting very tired with some kids behaviors these days, and is willing to sterilize women in order to keep them from breeding future "animals?"
According to Larry Shirley, a Charleston SC city counsel member, women giving birth to delinquent children should be "spayed" so as to not produce any further delinquent offspring.
"We pick up stray animals and spay them"
"These mothers need to be spayed if they can't take care of theirs. Once they have a child and it's running the street, to let them continue to have children is totally unacceptable."
Now here is your elected official, women of Charleston.
Can you believe this individual has the gall to analogize women to animals? I'm not a doctor, a woman, or a veterinarian but if I'm not mistaking the term "spayed" is a procedure strictly reserved for animals? The way I understand, when women elect to hinder their bodies from giving birth, they receive a hysterectomy.
Additionally, Shirley seems to imply that women are completely responsible for the way their children act, and if their children behave delinquently, these mothers need to be prohibited BY THE STATE from having any more children. This further implies that because a woman has one delinquent child, she is not capable of raising children and should thus be kept from birthing any more.
Firstly, my sympathy goes out to you ladies reading this, and I do understand the rage that will follow. When did Mr. Shirley forget that having children is generally a two part formula; the male and female sexual components?
How quickly did Mr. Shirley forget that bringing up children is a responsibility for both mother and father (whether both are living with the child or otherwise)? Most of all, when Did Mr. Shirley conclude that bringing up children is a community effort? Surely as a city counsel man he must realize not only schools, but public safety and religious organizations have a great deal with raising our children.
Larry Shirley is telling the women of Charleston that it's all their fault if their children behave poorly. Not that dad or the community has anything to do with the child’s issues. Not that the kid may have some psychological problems, or a sociological pathology of some sort; just mom. He wants to make sure that mom pays for her crime. He wants not only to have her sterilized, but he wants to treat her like an animal and have her spayed so she can breed no more ANIMALS!
Honestly, as a man in today’s world, I feel Mr. Larry Shirley is a complete embarrassment to all men, besides being one of the most moronic politicians I have come across.
Excuse me as I turn a blind eye, while the women of Charleston South Carolina and her American sisters beat Mr. Shirley however they see fit.
You can read where Mr. Shirleys comments come as a result of a video store being held up by a group of children, including a 14-year-old girl suspected of wielding a BB gun that looked like a pistol, by clicking the link below.